Archive for April 25th, 2007

Delhi University faculty and students for Equal Opportunity have called for a demonstration at Jantarmantar from 12:00 noon to 2:00 PM on Tuesday, 25th April, 2007, against the repeated lewd rulings of the Supreme Court’s against reservation for OBC in institutions of higher education. Nowhere in the world (with the exception of India ) judges […]

The latest face off in Vidarbha’s caste battles is unfolding in a school in Bhandara district. Madhavi Raut, a teacher in the school, allegedly sprinkled cow urine on Dalit students to purify them. The act led to an uproar forcing Raut to apologise. But days later, she still insists she hadn’t singled out Dalit students. […]

 A Dalit in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh has created a history of sorts when he showed the temerity to defy the upper castes in the caste-based Indian society. Surender Ahirwaar, a Dalit bachelor, decided to sit on a horse bedecked as a bridegroom and lead his wedding procession when he gets married. […]